1、《忏魂曲》(Deliver me)的作曲者是美国人,据说曲成之时即是他的忌日,一首看似悉数平常的宗教赎罪曲,却导致自杀者数以千计。故又被命名为《恶魔曲》。
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
A run-down scene, the specter of debauchery singing,
Black rosemary blooming vines meandering growth
The soul looked, beliefs Scarlet moonlight
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Long-haired vampire queen opened the dusty window
The deadwood shadow as her face, pure, such as teenage
Resentment of her voice, together with the souls of chant
Loved one, you remember I look like
I buried the night, you sad
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Lounging on the statue in the distance, Brokeback hidden in the side
That is the goddess of fantasy, with the middle finger to the direction of the
Small red flowers in her side, it is a paradise
In front of an abyss, the river murmuring flowing
Blood, like the river, irrigation bloodthirsty desire
It was the queen's soup plate, in full bloom deterioration soup
She would cut off the neck of the flower, and asked whether it sad
Distant lover, ah, you remember I look like
I was bleeding, you sad
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Sun and the moon shining growth and decline, but I can only see the moon
She painfully addicted to the taste of blood-red full-bodied and silver fragrance
Queen crooned broken neck flowers lying at her feet
They like cold places, hidden in the abyss of dead tree
Each of the dead of the night, listening to the blood in the secret underground sound
They like strange chant and the Deathly Hallows singing
Sing is the retaliation or sparse Shexiang despair
Lover away, do you remember me look like
Why did not run into your eyes when I looked down at my funeral
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Flowers there is an appearance, in the quiet growth
If there is no quiet moonlight How could such a cool `
The dilapidated grass distributing rotten fragrance
Beautiful elves in the palace secret wander
They also miss the grief who with memories
Vine winding Man lush, hidden desire for revenge
Waiting for the day to come, like the taste of the soup to taste blood
Favorite people, ah, you and me
Waiting for love to come, we were buried with
Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall
Life wanton growth, lookout endless sorrow
The flowers bow singing, singing undead advocates
Local memories must have lilies in bloom
Away Juvenile backs, embedded in tearful orbital
The love nobody blessing will not perish
Some chose to cowardly, it was decided to be strong
The blue melancholy river Can wash past
Can someone stick did not forget everlasting agreement
Weak excuses and casual perfunctory stifle a beautiful flower
That beautiful wilt become hurt into hate waiting into a bloody desire
I want to find him regardless of whether he has changed appearance
I will remember the look in his eyes, once as perfectly clear
I will remember his vows, once as loud
I will remember his betrayal had so let me leave the panic
He had left with my gentle cold palm
He will be very happy, because I blocked
I am back to where I belong
Because of love, I gave up again alone in the dark wander
The poor queen and her flowers.
The final choice alone drank a blood soup
Dear people, whether you're aiming for
Inadvertently reminds you once beautiful bride
Transferred to the moment of the grave of love, has come to mean the demise
All lament, are the living, self-sentimental
Night comes too late
Miss I miss take-off flight night long and thin
Ups and downs in my eyes
I waited too long for too long
The shuttle in the birds of dawn
The inverse and the direction of the wind (I miss her draughty wings).
The thirteenth pairs of eyes were used forsad
Be lost in the night for methinking of you with flower petals the windows
Don't knowI in your dream openthirteenth pairs of eyes
You are silent,I'm in your dream planted the seeds
I knoware you in a dream to sing the songs of birds
And I knowyou are parting tears
But the thirteenth pairs of eyesRising in corn field
Light down through the night
I want to hear you sing to the dawn bird knows the blooming season
In my dreamsI tell you please forgive me slowly
Because the night will be out
I want you to know HL open in your dreams
I want you to know you are my dream
And I want you to know I am the night Kings
3、《黑色的星期天》是匈牙利自学成才的作曲家鲁兰斯·查理斯(Rezső Seress,1899-1968年)谱写于1933年(一说“1932年”)的一支歌曲。据说,《忧郁的星期天》是鲁兰斯·查理斯和他的女友分手后在极度悲恸的心情下创作出来。
Sunday is Gloomy
My hours are slumberless
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomy with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there’ll be flowers and prayers that are sad
I know, let them not weep
Let them know that I’m glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I’m caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I’ll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday
I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you
Asleep in the deep of my heart
Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday
传说中公认的“上帝诅咒的三首歌曲”分别是:《忏魂曲》、 《第十三只眼睛》和《黑色星期天》(又《绝望的星期天》)。 第一首禁曲: 《忏魂曲》的曲作者是美国人,据说曲成之时既是他的忌日,一首看似悉数平常的宗教赎罪曲,却导致自杀者数以千计。故又被命名为《恶魔曲》。 自杀者无外乎是最虔诚的教徒,他们向上帝忏悔自己的罪行的同时,又越发不堪忍受痛苦的现实生活给予自己的报应和惩罚,于是纷纷选择了结苦难的一生,教徒们 相信天堂的存在,对上帝召回更是欣然接受。在《忏魂曲》歌声中,死亡不再可怕,它来得越早,就意味着解脱得越早,教徒们纷纷迫不及待的离开人间地狱、升入 理想中的天堂…… 当下的人们无法体会《忏魂曲》背后无数个逝去灵魂的心境,我们没能相继的了结生命,并不是因为心胸坦荡,在流淌着冰冷的眼泪的世界里,罪恶仍然充斥在周边的每个角落,只是我们感觉不到它们的存在,暗红色的心脏早已麻木了。 第二首禁曲: 《第十三双眼睛》在西方无外乎是个恶毒的名字。13是不详的数字,在西方,尤其是宗教领域波及的地方,没有人喜欢这个数字,因为他象征着耶稣的第十三个门徒犹大,他无情的出卖了耶稣,使耶稣被痛苦的钉在十字架上。于是13象征着不幸与受难。 《第十三双眼睛》相传起源于非洲的原始部族,是一种诡秘的音乐,作曲者的创作意图已不可考,但据说大约60年前,有个部落的人在听了此曲之后,不约而同的 集体自杀,出于这个原因,《第十三双眼睛》被禁止演唱,官方联手销毁了收集的所有手抄谱,但仍有其中的一小段曲谱侥幸存留下来,后来,大概在1991年的 时候,一位知名的音乐家偷偷的买下并收藏了它,也许他起初是出于好奇,并没有相信之前的传说,于是回家自弹自唱,而当他反复听了仅存的片断曲谱之后,竟匆 匆的烧掉了手中的谱子,从窗子纵身跳下,从那以后,与《第十三双眼睛》相关的一切消息随着曲谱的绝迹而彻底消失。 “第十三双眼睛”是一双咒怨的眼睛,凡接触它的人仿佛都被死神凝视着,直到听者一个个乖乖的投入死神的怀抱,没有人知道这双眼睛究竟残害了多少生命,但仅 从名字上已经能够作出推断,与接受上帝召唤的《忏魂曲》不同,《第十三双眼睛》是邪恶的诅咒,当你听到了它,便看见了那双眼,你别无选择,受难是你的归 宿…… 第三首禁曲:《黑色星期天》 它触摸着你的灵魂,深入你的心灵,对你拉扯、对你咆哮、对你低吟,又像是一个白色的幽灵在古墓丛中滴着冰冷的眼泪,隐隐向你诉苦,刺痛着你的灵魂和心灵……它就是被称作世界三大魔曲之一的《黑色星期天》。 有这么一个传说,听过《黑色星期天》的人都会自杀。这是一种心灵的振颤,是一种诡异的创伤,是一种不可名状的阴晦,是一种哀悼的共鸣,是一种奇异的魔幻,是一种郁悒的积累,是一种灵魂的漂流…… 虽然这首曲子至今尚存,但已经被做了很大的改动,虽然听起来依然有巨大的悲哀感,但远远不及原曲。即便是现存的改动后的曲子,心理承受力差的听后依旧可能会自杀,据心理学家分析,这不是心理作用,而是心理效果。 带着无限的好奇,我搜遍了所有的网站,听到了许许多多不同版本的《黑色星期天》,然而,遗憾的是没有一个是原版。现在能听到的《黑色星期天》,虽然依 然很伤感,但是曲子已经被改动过很多了。即便如此,它仍旧可以堪称魔曲,我的心在颤抖,不知道为什么,泪水已经大片大片地模糊了我的面颊,仿佛山洪暴发, 无可阻止。 原版的《黑色星期天》是一首47分13秒的歌,主要由钢琴伴奏。据说,听完的人,没一个能笑的出来。很多人患上精神分裂,抑郁症等等……因此,如果现 在你们听到《黑色星期天》,并非它的魔力不再,而是已经不再是原版了。中央电视台曾报道,在中国至今还有一人保留着这首原版曲子,保存了五十多年,但至 尽,这位收藏者和他的家人也没有听过…… 还有一种说法:真正的这首乐曲早就绝迹了,它的原名叫《魔乐》,不是一个人,而是一群音乐大师创作的。真正听过这首曲子的人没有一个生还,它利用的是次声波和其他手段来刺激大脑皮层神经,人的脑部和频率20HZ的次声波能产生共振,这根本就不是你能用意志力来克制的。 注:《黑色星期天》又译作《忧郁的星期天》
忏魂曲:传闻是由一个美国青年所作,作曲完成后作者也选择了自杀,它披着教义的外衣,导致了很多人 选择了自杀,聆听着不想再忍受人世间生离死别的苦难和难以为继的生活,于是都选择了结自己的一生。此曲也被禁止传唱,再也无法重现。